Design is the search for a magical balance between business and art; art and craft; intuition and reason; concept and detail; playfulness and formality; client and designer; designer and printer; and printer and public. – Valerie Pettis

Our high quality services at affordable prices rock so much you’ll resort to profanity when reacting.



Sub-Zero Animation 3D Studio is diligent in our quest to create alternative, innovative and inspiring design solutions in Hong Kong, Vietnam and beyond. We aim to offer creativity that takes your breath away and fills you with extra zest for life. We aspire to enhance customer business with a focus on developing long term relations.


We have a passion for excellence and are committed to customer satisfaction and partnerships that foster mutual trust, respect and benefit. By investing in and empowering our clients and delivering inspiring, creative and cost-effective design solutions, we shall continue to develop client value. We are dedicated to exploring new perspectives within our business scope with a pledge to quality and innovation.

We’ve created animations, visual effects, architecture/interior, web and graphics for feature length and short documentaries, video installation art, projections mapping, and commercials since 2009.


At Sub-Zero Animation 3D Studio, we seek to create pieces that capture the energy of the subject and give a full experience to it’s audience. Our high end facilities allow quality work with a quick turnaround. We have staff which take the time to work one on one with our clients to ensure the best product possible.

Our attention to detail and problem-solving skills ensure that every project we work on is done accurately and to the highest possible standard. Our verbal/written communication skills and positive attitude make help make us effective communicators with all clients we work with.